Monday, August 17, 2009

In the beginning....

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
And in the beginning, man was perfect right?
Then, as we all know, Adam and Eve caved into the temptation and
sinned. Now we are all sinners?

But, the greatest thing about us making mistakes is the opportunity to ask for forgiveness and to develop
and amazing testimony that, with God's grace and good timing, will reach out to people in need of hearing your story. Right?

Well for a long time, I had struggled with writing my testimony. I think for a while, I was ashamed of that stupidity and immaturity I experienced and I didn't want to share it to anyone, including myself. I knew that when I wrote and read my testimony, it would bring me back to the memories I had made and possibly make me miss them? Well, I was asked to do a skit for Soul'd Out 2008 (A youth event at a church I went to for 12 years). It's the Lifehouse Skit that almost everyone had seen. I watched it, and criiiiieeeddd my eyes out. That girl in the skit went through everything I did! So I practiced hard, learned her part, became emotionally attached, then realized God had been thumping at my heart to write and share my testimony at this exact time of the skit. So here is what I wrote.... my testimony as of May 2008:

:Whoever said change was easy was wrong and yet right at the same time. Change is awfully hard to undergo when God doesn't exist in one's life, but with God, any change is possible. Thankfully I realized that just in time, or else I wouldn't be standing here today.

My name is Jamie, as most of you know, and 6 months ago, I experienced something incredible. In high school, I was the girl everyone knew or heard about because I was so outgoing. But in this case, it wasn't a friendly type of outgoing. I often found myself putting others down to make myself feel more righteous and such. I made friends with a few people who taught me to experience the "wild" side. And after my first party, I became addicted to the party scene. This lifestyle made me feel alive! But, it made me life to my parents constantly, do things just to impress my friends, try new & horrible things, start a not-s0-good reputation, and worst of all--turn away from God & my responsibility with my church as a Christian example. I began feeling as if I was forced to go to church on Sunday & I would think of any excuse possible not to go- I mean, I was exhausted from the night before. Who would want to party hard Saturday night then act like their "praising God" the next morning?....Well, that's exactly what I did. And people, my parents, believed it.

A few months later, it came around time for me to go off to college. Goodbye Hampton, and hello Longwood University!

Believe it or not, I didn't party the moment I got there. I was in a relationship and wanted to prove to him I wasn't that "typical party girl" from high school. And yet again, what a wrong reason. There were some girls on my hall that seemed to click with mea nd then the deep trouble began (on my part).

It all started during Oktoberfest, which is this HUGE celebration each year, full of bands, visitors, and parties with no cops. The girls and I were going to get together and go all out and "attend a few parties"...nothing too crazy right? That weekend was a terrible blur because I let temptation get the best of me, but that was only the beginning. I started slipping farther and farther away from the one true love....God.

It wasn't only drinking and partying; that was the least of my worries. Never going to class, partying so hard I end up hearing new details the morning after about the night before. I experimented with so many things, but my parents are present and I'd rather not break their hearts any more than I had.

I received letter after letter from people from my church, family, friends saying "We're praying for you. We love you". What I didn't realize was that their "prayers" were really truly working.

Winter break. I broke down. I cried miserably the whole time and realized what I was doing wrong & what I lost. The weekend before exams, an incident happened and I wanted to stay home for good. I felt useless, worthless, and disappointed for even letting my body and mind stoop so low. So I was an emotional mess.

I decided to stay home, work fultime for a while and get back to my loving relationship with God. I didn't expect it to be as strong as I wanted or it to even happen as quickly as it did. It wasn't going to be easy. But one night I was driving home and I had the radio on. A Switchfoot song came on, "This is your life, are you who you want to be?", and I thought....'O God, this isn't about MY life, this is about OUR life together'...then another song came on the same radio station and the same band! This rarely happens! The next song was "Dare you to move, dare you lift yourself up off the floor". At this point, I had heard both songs plenty of times, but this was a true, real God experience because I was in the middle of the road driving, balling my eyes out. I pulled over, and got on my hands and knees and prayed harder than I have ever prayed. Ever. I surrendered every aspect of my life, fully, and put everything in God's hands, instead of my own.

That was the most peaceful feeling ever. Here I am now with a wonderful relationship with my parents, amazing accountability partners and this intense passion to help others the way God wants me too.

Now the best part of a the redemption. God is so amazing that He truly cleans us white as snow and tells us He will protect us. I am stating the fact that no matter what you or anyone may have been through, God can make the path a little easier if you just surrender to Him.

"The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure."
-1 Corinthians 10:13

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